I did a session for the refresher course of the new recruits for English departments of Government Colleges all over Tamilnadu at the department of English, University of Madras on communication skills as learnt from ancient Indian performing arts texts, Mahatma Gandhi and his way of reaching out and the messages he gave the world with his bodily action, his writings, his silences, his fasts, his walks and his death seeing it through the eyes of a student of Indian dance and drama. Some of the participants have already booked me to go and give talks to the students in their colleges. I realised no picture had been taken. So I took these with my cell phone after the session. I had sat up the previous night and read up all I could on Gandhi - Periyar - Ambedkar to be able to answer questions that I thought might surely come up. But no one talked about it. Only a question on Kasturba came up. Then while I was packing my laptop to leave, one man came up and asked me why Gandhi died saying Hey Ram and not Om Namah Sivaya. I had no answer to that question. In fact Kalyanaraman who served in Gandhi's office at the time of Gandhi's assassination, says he did not say Hey Ram as the bullet killed him the second it hit him. Well it is his word against Abha and Manu's. Abha had held Gandhi as he died. She said he had said Hey Ram. My question is does it matter whether he said it or not?
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