Monday, June 2, 2008

being a critic

Being a critic has its problems. Especially when you know the artists. Do you say what you feel or do you want to stay friends. It is the eternal question. I have had many who have taken offence to what I have written and either stopped talking to me or become extremely nice. I guess it is an occupational hazard.


Anil the Pianoman said...

Perhaps people WILL take notice and answer "the eternal question" if you did manage to adddress their questions and did actually speak to them instead of delivering veiled barbs and not deigning to reply. Just a thought.

Devika said...

see your mail.

ramesh sadasivam said...

Being a critic is a wonderful thing. U have the opportunity to encourage right talent & help people correct their mistakes. Everybody must have a positive point. Appreciate that first. Before talking about their negatives make them understand that U care for them. Above all convince urself that your criticism is going to help the artist get better...